
Which Walks

Nightboat Books, 2025

“We age as we see; we see in our aging all we have done — all we have made, all we have read, everyone we have known — and it’s this seeing that moves us in and through and out beyond the world. Laura Moriarty’s Which Walks proves it. This is a profound and intimate study of being with at a crucial time where many feel without. A book (and a way to love) that we need.” - Renee Gladman

“Moriarty is our intrepid ‘archeologist of the present’ offering this long poem of expansive love to attune our walking, making, and remembering.” - Alli Warren

“‘Where we stand//mindfully outside the universe of words/…suspended in the phantom of equilibrium,’ — and now aware that the stability we once assumed is an illusion. From this strange position (or perhaps superposition) inside and outside the sayable, Moriarty makes language sing. - Rae Armantrout

North Bay Letterpress Arts

presented a reading to celebrate National Poetry Month

on Sunday, April 7th, 2024 at 5pm


Laura Moriarty

Elizabeth Heron

Athena Rya

North Bay Letterpress Arts

925-D Gravenstein Highway South Sebastopol, California 95472

April 19, 2023 at The Brooklyn Rail

The Poetry I Felt Was Walking: Brett Goodroad and Laura Moriarty in Conversation is on The Back Room at Small Press Traffic. (4/18/2023)

A selection of poems and related artworks appear in Posit 32 (January, 2023).

[image from rapt glass]